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no  first the controls are hard to deal with and the game is not game pad compatible second even thow the doors are closed the robots can still somehow get into the room witch is a big glitch i think and it seems the game dosnt show the robot before it gets you when it dose  running thing and i even tried the sneaking thing so since nothing works i see it as a broken mode that ill look at latter if they fix it.

i might use it as pratice for getting to know the controls better but thats also another big problem they have they show you the keys for a flashlight and computer but nothing else at any time not even in story mode and trust me i looked . no other game makes you guess how to do basic things like run like this game dose .

its a good game idea but just needs a lot of work but cant wait to see what they do next . its good ground work so just build on it

The security office doors have buttons on both sides and the animatronics can press them, that is intentional design. Them walking through closed doors is a problem.

Crouching doesn't currently affect stealth, just allows you to crawl into the vents. Not sure if it's supposed to affect stealth.

Just needs a better tutorial / control display.

I do agree that it needs work.