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Really nice game! 

I really like all the boss fights it was really fun.

The overworld is a nice introduction for the game mechanics.

I also like how every boss spawns minions, it's really helpful when I need health drops

I really like whenever a boss dies it repeatedly takes damage, it's a cool dying animation

The progression of weapons and armor is also nice!

Some monsters really stood out to me like the apple spear monster (scared the crap outta me at first)

and the ghost which I can either block or attack so I can get through

It took me a while to get used to all the mechanics but it was pretty fun.

I didn't find any game-breaking bugs, but these are worth mentioning I think

This 1st bug I found is that I can get stuck in a corner and not be able to jump, it can happen at many corners (like the one in the image), but not every corner

The 2nd bug I found was that you can jump after falling into an insta-kill swamp. This one is not that serious but it is kinda silly

The 4th and last bug(?) I found was that if you die to Tarkus and come back to the boss room, you can camp at the entrance of the room

His attacks can also escape out of the room which surprised me, personally, I think this was kinda cool though.

The problem with this is that if I can camp at the entrance, then I can beat Tarkus easily without having to get into the room.

There was also this, I'm not sure if it's a bug or not but I can attack during cutscenes, I think it's pretty fun to be able to do stuff during cutescenes though

Overall really great game, it took me about an hour to beat and it was time well-spent! I liked it so much that I got the king version^^

Great job, I hope to see more from you in the future!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for playing and buying the game, glad you like it!

it seems difficult to see you use broken shield throughout the game 🤯. There is many shield better than that in the game.

BTW, The review is really helpfull, thanks! :D


omg yeah XD I actually got the shield that an npc gave me after I obtained a certain helmet, but then I died right after before I had the chance to save my game