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Does anyone know where the AppData of the game is stored?

I went into the options, and for some reason the game jumped to my second monitor, which is sideways, and reshaped the window into a sideways rectangle. After struggling and failing to get the game on the current monitor and back into a playable shape, I reinstalled the game, but it remembered the messed up resizing and I still can't change it back to normal. I went into AppData and delete any files that could relate, but after reinstalling again, I realised it hadn't worked.


los guarda en roaming en la carpeta locallow

I deleted the "Fatal Fire Studio" file, after uninstalling, but it didn't reset the size/shape. And neither the "config" file or the "values" file seem to have variables I can change to rectify this.


Win+R - regedit

Open next “folder”/key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Fatal Fire Studio\FAP NIGHTS AT FRENNIs

Try to change screen manager values. Remember to choose DECIMAL values (not HEX) before saving.

Thank you. After a little faffing with the values, I was able to finesse the resolution into a state where I could break the cycle, and have it remember the correct size. As long as I don't touch the options menu button again, everything should be good.