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Great work! I have bought and played almost all of your games and can't wait so see some more. My personal favorites have so far been "Recently Divorced" and "Housewife" for the settings, character models ("Recently Divorced" especially for the mc) and the progression mechanism (ie. the stimulations). In your latest one, "The Goodtown Mystery", I really liked the addition of sounds in the dialogs and scenes, and the story driven approach. I am hoping to see similar things in the future : )

If I may throw in a suggestion or two for consideration for future games:

- Give the player more control over how the sex scenes progress and where to "unload".

- Give the player more control over the MCs character especially with regard to the main interest. For example, in "Recently Divorced" with the kid as the MC the player could choose to be supportive, lovable and build a "romantic" relationship, or be an assertive, guilt-tripping "ahole" and seek for Sharon's submission.

I will be looking forward to your next games. Keep up the great work!

Thank you kindly