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"unless there is a very specific gameplay reason"

There is, infact, a very specific gameplay reason. That is, if there are fewer sides filled out, there is less of a chance of getting something. "50% of the time you're not getting anything at all" You're rolling dice. That's how dice work. There's chance involved. And also good job noticing that sometimes some things are better than others, you are correct on that point.


Yeah, that's why I said that it's fine if 2 sides or less are not filled out. Never stated I want dice to always yield results and for those results to always be amazing. Not getting any results 50% of the time is not "how dice work", that's not an integral part of their function.

And not sure if you ever heard of "balancing". I'm not argueing for all heroes in the game to be the exact same strength level and to always be OP but I feel that all of them should have some viability within their tier. Of course tier 1 heroes should be weaker than tier 2 etc.