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Another bug and a question:

I'm still getting softlocked in the secret portals sometimes. It's happened twice out of maybe 10 runs with some of those runs entering and exiting them successfully 5 or 6 times. Not entirely sure why. Seems to happen more if I rush out without waiting for the NPC to despawn, but I can't seem to reproduce it reliably.

Question: is Shield Toss supposed to always bounce around or does it reach some threshold where it'll stop/break against monsters? I've hit two runs where after a while it simply stops traveling upon hitting a monster and a bunch of small shield particles envelopes them. Can't quite figure out if that's intended behavior or not.

Both of those are bugs, I thought my recent patch fixed them. I'll do some digging!

(1 edit)

I added some extra safeguards here. If you do see the teleport loop thing again, can you hop into the console and grab me whatever error shows up? 

Make sure to Ctrl/Cmd F5 if you're playing the web version to force the browser to pick up the new one too