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Y'all is my voice rlly that deep cause people keep thinking I'm a dude-

like I just... do I really sound that male?

I always thought my voice was like... high pitched.

One sec lemme record a trashy ass audio- but I am sick and dehydrated so that'll probably affect my voice but whatever.


you don't sound male...

you sound like one of my fuckin friends...

demi.. is that you? /hj


Yes, it is I, your friend, Demi/j

Also thanks- so why tf did every single one of my discord friends think I was a dude 🤡


help what


no bcs fr I was in a call wit them nd we were just chilling before one of them said "wait, you're a girl?" And he said that he just checked my roles on the server we're all a part of and I am listed as female and he thought I was a dude, turns out, so did everyone else- they were all confused af to find that I was in fact iron man- I mean female.

is it just cause it's discord and discord has like 0 whamen?


add me to that server im gonna bully everyone there rn /hj


lol I'm no longer in that server cause it became inactive and also it's fine, I'm just confused is all haha



you sound nothin like a dude


istg they gotta get their hearing checked




maybe I just have a deep singing voice cause we met on a karaoke thing- and so most of our interactions were just karaoke until we made our own server.


probably you never know 

(1 edit) (-1)

Hola ! Soy Dora .. I exist ! .. yes haha..

ALSO YOU SOUND FINE but get well soon


yeah thank you

I have been coughing for the past I don't even remember how long anymore


the evil laugh at the end tho-
