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oh well I suppose that's 0.75h+2.25 = 6.75

To simplify it- since there's two variables with h in them.

So 0.75h = 6.75 - 2.25 = 4.5

So then 4.5÷0.75 = h

Which equals... *insert calculator noises* 6 apparently.

So h = 6

If it were fractions instead of decimals then there's probably another way to do it but I usually turn the fractions into decimals. It's the only way I know how to do it cause no one taught me a different way or any way really, I had to figure it out by myself... thanks math teachers, SUPER helpful. I hate math, I understand it, but I hate it. No I don't hate math, I hate the teachers. I have yet to meet a good math teacher that doesn't teach other subjects.



i hate math, I don't understand it

