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I did expect to have a bit of a wacky game, but not to have so much fun with it. The weird graphics, the glitchy physics, the gameplay, everything works here. Had to laugh out loud when we found the Options screen that only had a Back-button in it. I'd love to see you take part in next year's "So bad it's good" jam (which I do mean as a compliment)!

Girlfriend got 45 which seems pretty good.

One thing that I think could be improved would be not to have to click with your mouse to restart, but have a quick restart key. After all, the game is all about restarting.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much, your comment made my day! :)

I am so glad that you enjoyed it! This is only our second game so we're still learning,  and your feedback is very helpful! I'll definitely check out that jam.  Also your girlfriend should feel proud because 45 is a really good score!