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(4 edits) (+1)

absolutely fantastic masterpiece such a fun little peaceful game with a unique concept literally blinked and then realised I had been played for 98 turns only one problem which was I started having to keep skipping turns towards the end to get any building projects I dunno maybe I was just very unlucky I mean I had to skip like 80 turns it was really annoying however from what I can tell no one else had this problem, I never got any new projects that I could actually finish till the point I was racking up money I had 700 gold and -70 influence I think my game was glitched or something still well worth playing a 10/10

(1 edit) (+1)

happened to me too. Maybe it's cause we had too much residents, causing a never ending loop of losing influence

sounds plausible but why no new projects only ones that are impossible to do without town sigil? which I never gotXD

no idea lol, maybe you just got unlucky