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I'm blind it took me 2 years to learn how to use my devices independently. I love gaming but often there's not any or many accessible games I can find and play. I was just wondering since it doesn't say anywhere if there's  accessibility options on the game after you download it? 100% OK if there's not but I just wanted to ask before downloading. Even if it's not accessible I'll look for a let's play of it on YouTube so I can experience it that way as well. The game sounds amazing and I definitely do want to play or experience it in some way. Please reply when you can. Thank You!


Hello! Thank you for your comment! This game is completely text based. To be honest, I'm not sure how screen readers work and if my game will work with them. Accessibility is very important, and I definitely want my game to be accessible to everyone. I will do more research on this and see how I can make sure to implement more accessibility features! I'm open to all and any suggestions as well.


No problem! I can download the game and see if there's any accessibility issues and let you know! You may also be able to search on YouTube or Twitch or TikTok  for blind gamers. Some might be willing to try your game and report back. If I have any suggestions I'll let you know. Thank You for considering accessibility though, many don't even consider it as an option.