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End of Day 4. After fixing several bugs and adding some more content, progress is moving about one day slower than I'd like.

The goal is now to explore the dungeon, find as many treasures as you can, and then leave. A score is given for finding treasures, overcoming obstacles, and doing it quickly. A screenshot is below, though I'll pretty up the UI a bit more on Day 7. Although this is based on interactive fiction games, I'm not using console-style commands. Instead you click on the name of the object you want to look at, which gives a list of the things you can do with it. Clicking on an action will end your turn (I should probably indicate this with a different color).

Tomorrow (Day 5) is going to be adding more content, such as basic puzzles (lock/key) and traps. Then Day 6 is adding simple combat and attaching the generator. It'll be interesting to see how many weird grammatical issues will pop up with something so text heavy as this. I'm somewhat disappointed that combat won't be as detailed as I'd like, but I wanted exploration to be there too. I'm happy with how the UI works. It needs more polish in how it looks, but it works well enough.