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(10 edits) (+3)

Current record: 1:45.22 by @timyoki


  1. @timyoki - 1:45.22
  2. @HipsterSavage [me!] - 1:45,31
  3. @CodeMassi - 1:58.01
  4. @Swayam2004 - 2:24.18

How to speedrun:

Map --

Green dot: your spawn

Red dot: Enemy spawnpoints

Red circle dot: Titan spawnpoint

Green X: Titan spawnplace

Orange dots: gold ore only

Black dots: stone ore only

Every other ore spawn spawns gold & stone at the same location

Requirements --

You need to gather enough gold (850) and stone (250) to buy 4-5 towers and one Meat Mixer. You need to be able to buy them > 8 seconds before Titan spawn.

(Buying 5 towers requires 1000 gold which hasn't been done yet.)

Phase 1 --

There are always minimum 4 gold sources in front of your vision. You need to spam R (restart) till you see 5 / 6.

All possible additional gold locations (photoshoped) 

Then proceed to mine all the gold you see before the Titan spawns. If you don't see any gold - mine stone. Do not mine stone which doesn't have gold (look at the map). Do not kill enemies. Holding your mouse instead of clicking will prevent spell attack.

Phase 2 --

By the 20-30 second left place the Mixer closest to enemy group and convert all enemies to blood, try to get above 900 blood.

You need to have 600 gold available before Titan spawns. If you want to place 5 towers, you need to have 750. If you don't have enough, press R to restart.

Phase 3 --

10-8 seconds before giant spawn run to his spawnpoint (look at the map) and set 4-5 Towers around his spawnplace.

Exact Titan spawnplace 

Put them as close to his spawnplace as you can, making sure that projectile travel will be the shortest. 

Proposed way to place your Towers 

Stand near Towers and hold E to refill all of them before Titan spawns. Release E and hold again everytime you hear a shooting sound (or every x*91 used Blood) (It's possible to afford 5 blood towers but it requires much more blood)

Reset conditions --

If you won't acquire these conditions before given time I advise to acknowledge the run as lost and press R (reset):

  • 80 seconds before spawn: min. 300 gold
  • 50 seconds before spawn: min. 500 gold
  • 10 seconds before spawn: min. 600 gold and above 800 blood

Additional info --

  • Titan spawns at 1:39
  • Tower needs 3s to load blood
  • Giant dies after 6 Tower hits
  • You can shoot flying enemies to change their trajectory
  • There's some weird mechanic that makes towers shoot at different times instead of synchronizing - still investigating

Good luck!

Try to get to the Top-10!

My first initial best before making this tutorial was 1:58,87!


1:58.01. Got a perfect 6/6 gold spawn. Thanks for the Speedrun Tutorial, really helped :D

(3 edits)

You madman! haha!

Didn't think anyone will try to beat it!

So I see the battle has begun!

I improved some tactics above and got better!

My newest score is 1:56,31

(9 edits) (+1)

EDIT: This is an old PB
Got a 1:45.22 with 4 towers :D 

The only way to beat this should be a 5-tower strat (yes its possible) or a good 4-tower placement


(4 edits) (+1)

That's mindblowing!

I mentioned you in the "tutorial" :P

Wish me luck on trying to beat your score!


Almost there... I don't get how did you do that bro...

I have everything perfectly set up below his feet, 4 Towers, everything loaded and waiting and hitting immidiately and then I click it right after shot and the best I get is 10 miliseconds below you!

I wonder what am I doing wrong :D


Woah! Didn't expect someone to get close that quick. Congrats! Thats really hard to beat :D

Not sure if towers have RNG? Had a 5-tower finish 1:50 while a 3-tower finish 1:46. Also wish the grinder could be skipped, its too expensive...

Thanks! Still not enough tho!

Yeah, thought about skipping the grinder but it's just not enough blood

I also tried to push Titan of off the edge yesterday lol

If towers really have RNG that would make sense because time differentiate too much but I think it's all about position because the projectile needs to get to the Titan in time...

(5 edits)

New PB: 1:45.06 

Hope these can help :D

1) Tower placement -- stack towers on top of each other
2) Repeatedly tap 'E' to refill towers -- Before towers shoot just spam 'E'. Not sure if this is faster but I prefer it more than holding E.
3) Position when filling up towers -- you have to be closer to the collection area
4) Not fully charging towers -- I noticed its somewhat slower if its fully charged as compared to filling it up when it spawns so it shoots faster.

I'm also trying to figure out if gold spawns can be manipulated. Will update this post if any advancements are made.

A sub 1:45 should be interesting to see, it is possible for sure.

Dang bro, 1:45. The best I can get so far is 1:50 :D.