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      Hey Caribdis, a major fan here. I personally just finished OIALT, and it left tears in my eyes. I've never played a VN that made me feel so in touch with the characters in the story. And then I played Eternum.

      How dare you make a game so god damn good that nothing else can compare? I couldn't believe how much I wanted to come back to this game! Every time I played, I kept telling myself that I would save and come back later, only to play another couple of hours... 

     I originally played this game for free, terrible person I know, but honestly, after the way your last game made me feel, combined with only the first four chapters of this one? I had to come back and donate, and definitely more than $7. 

    Waiting for chapter 5 and on is going to be so painful, but I am so excited for the rest of the story!

        Thank you so much for an amazing story so far! Please take your time and have fun with the rest!

Thank you so much for your words and your donation, Satrns! 😍 I appreciate it a lot

Delayed reply on account of the update, which I'm currently downloading. I wanted to ask if there was a possibility of you releasing an OST as I love a lot of the music in the game, and its really hard to look up any of the songs

Also is there any timeline where we see Eva again? I loved her design, among other things.... >P