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there is a popup, with an error message saying "Error: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded (see JavaScript console for details)" and under the error message is; "This is a known issue in Safari and Webkit browsers, Please report this to Apple." 2/5

same thing happens on the title screen, in neither of the cases does the music stop, it is just that it does not process any of my inputs. 3/5

ALSO! More details, when my mouse hovers over something, it does not 'light up' as usual. And the music has stopped now. 4/5

But overall, it seems that others have documented this error, and you (Eros) have said that downloading it would help, so I will be sure to do that! I am having a great time with this game, and would love to see where it goes in the future! 5/5

(sorry for the extra comment) dramatic gasp, going to guess that this is the farthest you can go without downloading it 😔

Feye: "not much of a party-goer, are you [player]?" 

click past that and game stops, and the famed error screen pops up again


That does seem to be the farthest anyone gets on nrower. I think at this point ill just remove the browser version since i have no clue on how to fix this sorry 😔