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I created this account just to say: This is a fantastic game, I love the effort you put into it and the art is amazing. I'm really looking forward to anything new you plan on cooking up, I hope you're able to become a full-time developer through patreon. 

I had a question regarding the statue that writes on paper, after grabbing the paper and giving it to her and going through the scene she says shes writing and to come back later once shes done, is there another scene after that or is it just for plot purposes? Also are there any hidden scenes?


Heyo thanks a lot, I have full confidence I will, It might take some time but I'll get there some day.

Nah that's about it with her, you can give her paper a second time but it's just some more dialog no new scenes. 

In terms of hidden scenes, I'd consider the feet scenes and the garden ending somewhat hidden although they are fairly easy to get if you are exploring the maps.