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There are so many aspects of this game that are so great, But I can't get the hang of the controls no matter how many times I try. I play a lot of Asteroids on 7800, and Space War and Gravitar on 2600, so I am used to these types of controls, but the coordinates just go whizzing by, and by the time I get my bearings I am absolutely swarmed with enemies. 

I've tried at least a dozen times and haven't been able to improve my performance enough to pass the first objective. I found it a little frustrating that in order to jump back into the action it seems you have to sit through the lengthy mission objective again, there might be a better UI solution for this. Additionally, it would be nice to be able to refer to the objective coordinates again once they pass.. like in a pause screen or something. I often forgot where I was heading once I would get swarmed. I thought the space station themselves were awesome and I thought the destructible tiles were a great idea.  

I really love the concept here, but I am not good enough at the controls to progress in any meaningful way. 

Im sorry to hear that. Have you played using a controller or a mouse? The game was designed with the second one in mind.

Also, enemies can be avoided by going fast and leaving them behind, but it was not intended for them to swarm you endlessly and it's being worked on, among other things.

Oh! I was unaware this game had mouse support. I will make a point to try that. 

I did not intend to sound harsh, I really love what this game is offering and am happy to hear that you are continuing to work on it. I will certainly be following along, this is a game I would like to put on my shelf :) 

I played the first mission again and managed to complete the objective and get the power up.  I will put in more effort