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Hey people, may i get some opinion from you? 

And yes, this post might include spoilers but i'll try to keep them as vague as i can.

I have played trough the 1st chapter, i have enjoyed the game a lot, the opportunity to help people with their problems is always a welcome sight for me in games like this, so yeah - this game is up high on my top charts.

Now, i also enjoyed the "zone-out" scenes and the whole implications of them, it carries the plot ahead and always finds a way to remind you what game are you playing when you get too comfortable with it, and they keep me questioning what is the reason behind them? Still can't tell if it's a trauma, a mental disorder, an early dementia (this one actually scaring me the most), maybe it's paranormal, maybe it's all at once, or maybe it's none of them? It's a good shit.

The thing is, after the start of Ch2, somewhere around the moment where you get back to your morning/afternoon/evening routine i've lost the drive to play it. I think it's because of the combination of introducing "the cousin", or because there is literally next to no worries from everyone about a person "falling ill" for THAT amount of time. It's few "we missed you", "are you ok now" and almost no thanks from the MC. Not to mention that "Cuz" quite shifts the mystery i mentioned in the 1st paragraph towards one of the options, but i digress. 

Now, this is totally something i have an issue with because, dunno, it's me being me, and it's absolutely not taking away anything from the work put into the game and the enjoyment i had with it. It just made me think of some other tv series/games/books i enjoyed just to see their continuation start with trying to "top it" but going overboard or "overdeep" with the story or changes. But i also know that just starting the 2nd chapter and not enjoying what i hear or see doesn't mean that it will turn the rest of it into something i wont enjoy; on the contrary, nothing should be set for granted after a  mindbending experience that was first chapter, so i feel like i should do the title justice and continue to see if it all adds up.

So here is my question(s) that are probably lame and i think at some point, somewhere i will give in and come back to the title, but i really felt like i want to ask them - even made an account for it and i always used itchio as a guest. Yer her, gold star for me. 

Is Ch2 pulling the game away from mundane parts of being the sensei and getting to know the girls and forming bonds with them just to endulge more into favour of abnormal and metaphysical part of the game or do you eventually return to the state of things more closer to what we've seen in Ch1? Is "keep doing what you were doing before, but now you have a literal extraplanar being next to you that will explain nothing to you, and remember to not mention to anyone that time you almost choked someone to death during one of your dementia episodes that actually arent those, it's all spooky ghost lasagna but it doesnt matter since noone really cares about you being a vegetable for six weeks" what i get from now on? 

There is absolutely no reason i have found so far to complain on this game, even if there was some it was minor ui things or maybe me having to look up how to progress Kio to progress the whole game, but i just wonder if the point of the game now is to endure shit thrown at you and have MC not investigate it at all? Because that is sadly my short experience with Ch2 so far :(


thanks for the good time i had with Ch1