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just that you guys know it, if you see a person named ld4ver, thats me, ld stands for LimitsDragon and 4ever is forever, like for infinty, i was using a similar name when very first had an account, there it was HD4ever, hd was standing for Hyperdragon, just that you can recognize me :)

ah ok good to know


Deleted 1 year ago

aha, now i know it (pst... delete this message NOW!!)

but u dont know the name n stuff

im never gonna tell which it is

aaaaaah, ok but good that u delete the message wait?! i might have a screenshot fo it, hehehe!


they know i have one but not which it is

lol, ok you see im going crazy, i dont know why but ok and i actually dont have a screenshot of it

btw. how many coins do u have right now?

ah, that is good to know.