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Uh im having issue with my game... Am on an oppo phone (android) and for some reason my game crash right at the beginning, the farthest i have go is: "this is just a dream, little human" then ot crash, this repeat endlessly even if i reinstall the game, also choosing some setting option like enable rollback also crash my game, am not sure if it was my phone or the game.


Phones tend to have a lot of trouble I've noticed. You could look up stuff to see if it is something specific with your phone type and if there is a work-a-round if you want but I recommend just doing the desktop download instead as it is the easiest fix.

I download the pc ver, figure out how to use it on my phone, yet it STILL crashing after 4 dialogue :/ im gonna buy a new phone.

Dude same the game crash when she say "this is just a dream, little human"