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Friendly reminder that anyone can false copyright claim his game on steam to get this piece of shit doxxed. Maybe that will put some motivation into his body! Simply open a claim with steam, hand them wrong contact details, fake company etc. and they will be forced to hand you over his actual details. It would be interesting to see if he paid his taxes accordingly, considering that he made so much money through crowdfunding...

(1 edit) (+5)(-2)

the discord had an update posted back in May. dont blame the author cause you dont know where to look.

Deleted 1 year ago

Where can I find the update?


Except it hasn't mate. He's working on another project while playing games and doesn't actually care about the project. Swindling people out of money at this point


more up to date version than whats available here.  updated scenes, dialog, ect along with 2 additional scenes not in this sites version.