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Thank you! Sure, let's see!

- I cheat ((: I connect pelvis of the mesh to the collision capsule by a physics constraint. I set all the limits to free and use linear and angular motor  to keep the body in place and upright. I constantly change the values of those motors powers so that result looks natural. Also I am not letting Collision capsule to travel too far from character mesh either, constantly interpolating its position back to mesh. This way both Collision Capsule and Mesh are kind of "rubber bound" to each other and as a result physics look and feel pretty good. Not ideal, but enough for me right now.

- I have this weird system where I have a hidden skeleton, which is not simulated and plays Anim BP. While actual character mesh that we see receives all the joint rotations from it and adjusts it's position by joint motors (if you work with joint/constraint motors, I do not recommend using SLERP in this case,  just use Twist/Swing).

- All the animations are done procedurally here (so no keyframe animations for arms/legs)  and I am also using exclusively Two Bone IK for every limb. For me it just gives better results. But you can do it using control rig too. If you want to know more about leg, I have tried several approaches for walking. the one I am using now is like this: before every step I trace the land at the location where I want foot to step on. I check the height, then I send foot IK effector to travel along the curve to that place, the other foot is trying to adjust itself too at this time. Once step is finished I do the same for the other foot.

- Unfortunately there is not much information about full body animation on Unreal in internet. But I highly recommend you to check this new feature (which still has no documentation)

and knowing biomechanics would really help to set up correct Physics Asset and IK control system. I don't know biomechanics :(

I hope this helps! I want to make some kind of tutorial myself, but it takes too much time... Anyway if you have more questions ask any time!


dude! Above and beyond! Thank you so much! Is there anywhere else I can follow you to stay up to date on the project? I had to dump Twitter. It’s getting sketchy over there lol. 


Damn, I just started getting used to twitter and now people are leaving it ((:

I am not really using any other platform rn

I will create a discord server (as soon as I understand how to use discord hehe) and I can send it to you here. I will probably do it with my next update in 1.5 - 2 weeks if everything goes as planned, which pretty much never happens :))