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10/10 -- do not read if you haven't played yet! 

Really, really fascinating!!! Utterly fantastic conceptually. The idea of a multiplayer interactive fiction is wonderful and I want nothing more than for more games to look at this one for inspiration. 

The asymmetry was really great (I was the leader of the besieged republic), but I only wish the tension grew for a longer time. I went to the cathedral, and apparently someone ratted me out no matter what. I only wish I could have sat longer in the tension of "Oh shit, they're coming for us".  Futility was captured perfectly from my perspective, but I think the experience of being on the winning side would be improved if it was slightly harder.

I haven't played too many interactive fictions before this, but I definitely feel this captures where interactive fiction could go, if it was willing to explore the boundaries. Maximum respect to the creator, this is something I will think about for a while.