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Solid entry man!

Resonance: That main synth you've got going on here really reminds me of CD Projekt's interpretation of Cyberpunk. But then you pull ahead of that with those gorgeous synth chords you roll into. This bit makes me think that we're driving a car through this great city filled to the brim with nightlife. Great stuff. Not only is the base really solid, you've littered this thing with interesting sound effects to listen to. Amazing.

The Edge: Nice. I love how the highpassed pads make this feel quite awe inspiring. I imagine looking at something impressive during the opening of this track. Awesome toms and that taktaktak sound that follows them. Really nice. Impressive work.

What can I say. This was just excellent. These are going on the rotation :)

thanks i really tried to capture how it goes in 2077's ost

glad it sounds even remotely like it tbh