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I'd load an earlier save and try again, sounds like something glitched, though I've never encountered that bug before. Boar you want is one of the ones to the right outside. Also there are 5 boar mobs in that area, so you may have missed some somehow.

OK thank you. Well, first I defeat the boars guarding the entrance bridge. then I enter a store to get the items. then I enter another warehouse (I get more items), I face the wild boars that are there (I get more items), when I leave the warehouse there is no one nearby, I wait if a wild boar approaches but nothing happens. then I move to the right where I find a group of wild boars (there are 2 of them). I defeat them. but I don't get key...


That last bit to the right is where you should explore a bit more. Go right and up. Should be 5 there (so 3 remaining).