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Heres a Screencapture of the main Title. at native Resolution. That Screen is I don't know how big, but big.

I think I recall about not wanting People to look at the Minimap, but as it is now, I think its more or less useless. You might aswell just remove it, to get more Screenspace, and add some red indicators onto the actual Play Area as to where Demons are.

For example after playing a lot you'll start to recognize some minimap signatures for specific spawn formations such as the scepter ones, stationary shooters, which you'd probably want to take out first.

I agree on that, thats definetly noticeable on there. But I don't think it warrants a full minimap. I don't know tho, I don't usually make minimaps.

To clarify, the exploding Crystals are definetly nice, it just wasn't clear to me thats what they do, until I decided to blow one up in an empty level before continuing to check it out. 

And no, I didn't notice anything about Armorpiercing, different modificators or anything. I literally only looked at the Weapon name to decide what kind it was. So if it said Ultra Machine gun or whatever, I knew it was a super heavy spray thing, so I took it and promptly ran out of Ammo. I'm not really good at any kind of shooting. 

That's really odd, like the resolution isn't being set properly. If you press alt+enter does the window cover the screen? Does it looks the exact same no matter what resolution? I'll have to think about this. For comparison here's how it looks on my end.

Also I forgot the say: the "big bosslike symbol" is a rest stop - currently the only way to heal. Maybe it should look less intimidating then...


Alt+Enter just exits out of fullscreen. Doesn't do much to the Font, stays blurry.