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"-- I would like some detail/info on how variables work."
I guess we will add some wiki for all commands not soon, but precisely wil :)

"-- I kind of miss the old "Low Power" mechanics...."

I guess this is not "low battery issue" this is problem with not enough tools to generate some well structured code. I guess we need something like "goto" instruction, may be it will be...

"--While experimenting, a flawed program made one of my CMs "eat" a seed." oops.. ;)

"Also, some way of checking/testing _what_ if being held would be nice, to prevent accidentally eating the wrong item" you can use compare function for this

"-- Related to the above, the ability of a grown tree to (sometimes?) "drop" a seed as well as wood would be nice." 

In early versions wood drops seeds periodically at random time... And it wasnt cool corse most of players dont understand where this seed appeared from. And other problem is that when you get 5-10 seed you dont need it anymore, and corrently we dint have any other vay to use it instred of planting. I hope we can take a second try for this mehanc when we will added second stage of crafting tree, but cant promise this

"-- Add an instruction to "Feed"  another CM (as well as one to find one needing power)." Yep this is in plans.

"-- Add the ability to pick up and move the "Current Execution" icon to any instruction in the current program screen." This is also in our warklist but this is quate unordinary feature in technical side, so I dont sure we will implement it in close perspective

"Of course, I still hope to see:" We working on it)