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College was a dark time in my life. I woke up when the sun was down, I played World of Warcraft, and went to sleep before it rose. It was all I did. My roommate lived off-campus, so nobody cared that I wasn't going to class. I was just happy to be out of a house where my older siblings had moved on and I was alone whenever I woke up in the night to hear my parents fighting again.

Now I could climb through a window in a dark room and I could be somewhere else. I didn't have to be alone if I didn't want to. I didn't have to be myself if I didn't want to. I didn't have to hear people if I didn't want to. That time ended, eventually, and I had to go back home.

Recently, I told my doctor that I could remember considering self-harm as early as in grade school. Wondering if my bedroom window would be high enough, if I went headfirst. She asked me if I had ever considered that I didn't have to feel that way all the time. I hadn't.

The Curse means a lot to me. I'm sorry if this is comment is inappropriate, or too much, or a bummer. I think this game will be very important to some people.