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Honestly, one of the best VNs I've read up to this point. It's so good at getting one attached to the characters. That, and the MC is very chill and I love the way he lives life. But dear god this VN has me so worried for the future, in a good way mind you, because I can't tell just how tragic of a story it's going to be. I have a nasty feeling that at least one of the characters is going to die at some point and  it's worrying to say the least, again, in a good way. Shows that the story has me attached to the characters and caring about them, which is probably what every author wants out of their reader. I'd assume. Definitely excited, and scared, to see how this VN plays out. Have a good one to whoever is reader this.

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they used to say to me whoever predicts doesn't f*ck! 🤣be hearty don't predict and don't offend me just kidding! 😉


no one here has a sense of humor 😑