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i was in this maybe missing scenes, i was
this will inaccurate the soul crystal.
1. go to island through the cave get to the main part of island  , find the blue bird note prior to this state of the game he flies away use the peanuts with him. guide him all the way back to library he will commit suicide against a tree pickup the chest key.

2 Janets home: for this quest the usual entry will be locked enter backyard/pool area and use back door find the woman passed out<TEASE Cutscene> after youve enjoyed that find her phone close to her but on floor, 1 2 3 will unlock part 2 of this.
next head into the parlor<3 Some parcila/niomi>

3. enter collect cut from the back  and exit squalmart main character will display a {!} overhead go back in the store.  Finally a cutscene  will end with the rusty key