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I'll be honest, i underestimate this game and have been putting it aside for long despite having it downloaded. Now that i finished reading it, i truly love everything about this VN. 

The worldbuilding is amazing. The plot, the dialogue, the narration, the characters... i really really enjoy reading it. Not to mention all characters have pretty attractive design, even the side characters (Damn you for not making Everwind dateable). I'm really looking forward for more updates of this game, especially more Reamus/Jymsar romance development lol


This one took me a little longer to get into because of the sheer amount of world-building that needed to be done upfront, but once the main plot got rolling, I was hooked. I felt like the character development almost snuck up on me. I went from not liking Jymsar at all at the beginning to crying when he was bedridden. I was shocked when I realized just how much I'd come to care about that panther.


Actually same! Honestly i was pretty bored reading it at first, but my guts keep telling me 'hey dont uninstall it yet just give it a chance' and im so glad i eventually picked it up again lmao once the plot kicks in, i was hooked too and spend all day reading it! And yeah, i was pretty eugh at Jymsar at first but after his route i was like okay he need to live happily evee after with Reamus


Saaaame! I didnt even realized when the hate turned into love towards Jymsar


There's very few if any FVN, which can compare to Pervader's outstanding writing. GigaSaddle is saying he wants to improve on his artistic skills. Imagine that... Although the character sprites might not be perfect, they are well above avarage already. And I don't think it's even necessary to talk about the backgrounds.