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I'm around 4 years younger than all of the characters but I grew up around Oakland and I truly just have never experienced representation like this. So many things that I felt like were cringe when I was growing up became beautiful while playing this game.

Watching how to become a ninja together, multi-cultural events, going to clubs, doing sports, doing class presentations/projects together felt like a pain, cringe, a chore, and mundane growing up. But after playing this game, I really feel like it was just my outlook on life that felt like that. I wish that I thought highschool was fun or enjoyed it more, but it's not something I regret--I think what I'm trying to say is this game really makes me want to see the best in things and enjoy life.

The small things. Watching videos together. Going through phases together. Liking anime. Playing games. Being stupid. 

I really like the tackled topics. People will always be accidentally insensitive to things. Parents don't know anything and are just trying their best. Complex feelings towards parents. People change. You can always learn more whenever you want. 

I especially related to frenchman's "I can control my actions, so even if I like someone, I don't want to do anything about it, because I want a "respectable" future." and I love Diya's "you choose what's important to you and your future and you can't let anyone control it."

I just love the message. I do. I love the all characters and the message and the humor.

I love all of your works and Butterfly Soup is just so completely inspiring to me. YOUR HEAD!! YOUR MIND!! THE ENDING WAS SO SATISFYING!! THE GAME PLAYED SO WELL! MUSIC WAS IMMACULATE!!! I LOVE AKARSHA!!!