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Day 28

I rewrote most of the algorithm to improve the way it stores the turn's action sequence into Action Commands (because somehow I forgot that "turn actions" were a thing). Instead of storing values in different arrays that was more prone to bugs and mismatches than anything, I'll just stack an array of command objects that are called with the entity during the turn unroll. It makes the code less messy and I also took the time to trim some code made useless and redundant in the same way.

They say the best commits are the one which are removing more code than adding. I think I should wrap up the jam "demo"'s page tomorrow. Been a slow month as usual with my hobbies, but it's been mostly consistent. The game's just not that playable given that the month was more focused on prepping the code for doing AI experiments but it got its share of gamey bits over the month though.