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Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

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To change graphics level :

1 - Lowest

2 - medium

3 - High

4 - Ultra

You'll have to press one of these buttons on your keyboard not numpad to change the graphics level

Lowest Has no shadows and it's best for low end devices

Medium is an improvement and may work on low end devices

High is meant for quality and should be selected if you have a PC or laptop that has 8 - 16GB RAM and NVIDIA RTX 1650+

Ultra is for the best possible experience, in terms of graphics, this is meant for high end, fast performant Gaming setups which may include NVIDIA RTX 3060+ and 16 - 64GB RAM

For the Sensitivity

It'll be fixed in the next update, I recommend you play the tutorial level first to understand the BASICS of the game

*Press V I O L E N T together while in a match for an Easter egg
