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I don't suppose we can have a written version of what the phone lady says? I only ask as I couldn't understand her fully and from what I got what she says is important so any help would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise if someone with more knowledge of the game can tell me basically what I need to know that would also work. Thanks in advance.


no worries, after rework we will do so!

Don't mean to bother just wanted to know if there was an ETA for the update you mentioned. If not that's ok but I'm not sure how well I can play the game if I don't know how to recharge my stuff or do anything.


before december we will finish the 0.4
and the rework.. we dont really know


Thanks for the reply and it's ok you don't know for sure right now. Better to do it right than release it broken like most game companies do.

To paraphrase what a wise game dev once said. A rushed game is forever bad, but a delayed game is eventually good...unless it's Anthem which, did both. Hmm.

lol like I just decide to figure everything out on my own at some point because I can't hear what she's saying