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why are all the versions except android free?

more than likely they got annoyed being asked multiple times over and over on the first version when they'd release to android that they may have done it out of spite, and frankly reasonably with how many times y'all pestered them. Like, the amount of the first games' comment section that is people asking when/if an android version is/will be released when they repeatedly stated it wouldn't. just sayin' - i wouldn't blame them personally.


aye man, can't blame me...I just got here lol


yeah that's business 101. if you realize your entire market only wants one very logical and obvious thing you penalize them for it. that's how you build a strong community.


didn't say it was a smart idea - I am simply stating it's a normal human reaction to be that petty. Their a hobby dev, they don't really have to care beyond what they want to. And more importantly they don't have someone to tell them to not be such a douche.


god shut up, it costs money bc it took extra work to get it on Android and it gets updated faster like their subscribers do for the PC version. use your brain for a second and have a rational thought!! it's not a penalization that they're asking to be paid for extra work, jfc you're entitled