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space isn't active and noah is too retarded for you to need to care

if you've really changed even the slightest amount, you've nothing to worry about

i really just want more people active here's all

yeah, and if that's so I won't be annoying anymore. I know that's what people expect from me all the time when I just speak.

i don't mind you being here

only person i've been thinking of banning (even if it's just temporary) is ari

because HE hasn't changed

HE still acts like a RETARDED CHILD

and he's COMPLETELY worthless

anyway yeah if you're normal no one will care 

well ok



you aren't, though. you make no effort to better yourself. ever.

you are pathetic. nobody enjoys your presence, and it's because your personality is terrible.

you aren't cool, you aren't funny, you don't think before you talk, you spam, you annoy people.

i've been directly asked to ban you but i keep giving you chances. stop fucking it up.

damn lmao

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your cock is small

try? yeah okay pal. try.

Penis cock eater you are

you never learn, do you?

I am so damn angry when I see your fuckin online. So shut the hell up bitch.  Go kill yourself go sit in the middle of the road and let a car run over you, Your ugly your disgusting, Im going to kill you, Your an alcoholic.

i'd call you childish but i agree with you

you are so good with apologies 

everyone accepts your apologies all the time how do you do it

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i just say the truth and actually like




also, not everyone, dom, jordan, noah, and other people still exist, yknow

you know i am being sarcastic right


good job

hes an asshole to me for no reason dwelling on the past like a fucking angry manchild

jordan does the same for m!!

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who are you talking to exactly

Deleted 1 year ago

you wanna know why i dont forgive you for the multitudes of things you have done to me? so be it. you dont fucking grow up, you act like a moron to get away from everything, you constantly play the victim, even when you KNOW youve done something, and for what? so you can still dickride your ex? hop off my cock and grow up, you fucking retard. plus you lied about being black lololol

You're gonna regret that.

youre an immature piece of shit and dont wanna admit it. fuck off.

you responded shithead

ban void

maybe lol

glad im not the only one who knows how shitty his behavior is 

i actually just think he's kinda annoying

but he's not very active so i probably won't do anything



oh fuck you

he isnt  necessarily lying 
