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(1 edit) (+2)

Yes, as DaShakes said, we all can go through some terrible moments in our lives, and even if it seems that things won’t get better ever again, they will. They always do, trust me.

Sorry to hear that you’re in such a bad moment, remember that there are always alternatives and people who can help you.

Take care, man

A day ago, I returned from a mental hospital, spent more than 4 months there - from the day the post above was written. I hope that I am healthy, but the scars on my body and on my heart will remain forever. But I'm alive. And I will live. Thank you all for the comments!
So... now I can play new version of your game, yeah? Life is full of pluses. I'm sorry about my previous post.

Glad you're better now :)

Have fun playing 0.5!