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Well... let's say their morals are better than Discord

Yeah, don't listen to aussua.

Most of us here are pretty nice... In my opinion ofc.

naturally . you are the best

thank you very much!

I know them 

do not worry 

 you are the best here

aww, thanks!

i am


everyone is bozos



Ur not on discord so u wouldn't understand

I dont know what brought you here

I thought I got rid of you

Nah but fr tho what did I do to make u mad at me

i dunno, say "ur weak"

cat uwu was mad at me before that


in sorry cat uwu

Theres nothing to apologize for

you dont have to leave discord

Meh ur still weak

(1 edit)

Expand your imagination........

At least the people here are nice there are no predators here

Predators? Ur the sister converter

Lol. Discord Archers are next level. Barely any of you, not even me can't beat them. Ik Guest 70 can