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oh, and as for the payment - it's probably an issue with your provider/account/country. Usually people who buy my packs are from all around the world and there's been no issues so far :D

Probably the government's problem. I have a lot of complaints about that, but let it go ;)


like this: 

On the surface:

  "We must to stop corrupt and fraudsters from transferring assets abroad!"


  "You want to spend $10 on this cute cow girl? No my boy, you don't" ;)

Omg I feel you! Have lived in a country like that and it just does the complete opposite - instead of keeping money in the country, it just closes it off from the rest of the world and doesn't let it do business with ppl from abroad. Hope they change it where you live, though! <3


Anyway, looking forward to more art from you :)