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Hi! Would someone be able to help me with the download? I'm not very tech-savvy. Whenever I click the download, it downloads the game files. I'm not really sure how to open the actual game (or if it's even supposed to just download the files). I'm on a Dell Windows computer if that helps.

(2 edits) (+1)

double click on the file you show in the picture and inside you should a find file called "SaintSpellBook" (make sure the file type is "application") double click on that then click "extract all" and wait while it downloads. Then once it downloads on file explorer go to downloads and you should find 2 files labelled "" double click on the one whose type is called "File folder" not "compressed" once you open the file double click on the file called "" then double click the file called "SaintSpellBook" ( again make sure the file type is "application") and that should start and open the game. ( If this is too confusing tell me and I'll try to explain it better)

Thanks so much! Worked perfectly :)