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The update does indeed fix the aspect ratio problem on Android devices, but i found another problem. You usually get one robe of invisibility when you beat the third level on old tower, and afterwards you use that to go fight violet. Well i get one, i can go fight violet, but if i beat (or lose) any level of the tower i get the dialog for the robe again and again. It is an annoying bug, it doesn't break the game, but if you are farming gold until you can beat violet or Aria to better farm gold it is just time consuming and annoying. Another thing i found that i dont know if it is a bug or not, is the castle location. If i click on it, it just shows the shop/tent window. Im not sure if there is supposed to be something there or not, so i won't say it is a bug. A quick question, what do you do in the town after you get the robe? It says you need something else, but what? 

Thank you very much for your always accurate reports.

It is all a bug. The castle was the initial location of the merchant. I forgot to turn it off. Regarding your question, there is no way to get past the guards yet. The castle scenario is still being written, so please wait until the next major update.

I will upload a bug fixed version today. There are some changes that will change the graphics of the girls somewhat.