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I've been attempting to teach myself guitar. I mean I only started today cause I couldn't tune the guitar on my own and MY FUCKING SISTER WOULDN'T DOWNLOAD A STUPID GUITAR TUNER TO HELP ME so I got it on my mom's phone and deleted it after I was done. Now I shall go through rigorous amounts of research and video watching to learn how to play before ultimately forgetting about it. Even though I really wanna learn guitar cause wanna play song, wanna play song real badddd, I know it's not gonna last. As with many other interests of mine, it shall only be ephemeral.

Not to say that I don't still wanna learn the things I dropped, oh no, not at all. I would love to pick up violin again or piano or karate. It just wasn't mean to be I guess. I think my violin must still be somewhere, maybe I can learn violin too. I don't have a piano though. Karate is way too stressful for me because of the exams to make it to the next belt. Those exams terrify me to my core. But I am going to pick up fencing soon. I am highly unsure of how it will go but I hope it goes well.

hey look I went on about a topic longer than I should have again!

Nah ur good dw

no I planned this to be like a less than a paragraph post-