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I ran this game with my family a few times and it was a bunch of fun. My precocious 7 yr old especially loved it. The rules and story are pretty streamlined, but there's a lot of flexibility and variety. And the visuals on the cards really helped my kids engage with the game. It took me ~3-5min to make each room card though, and it required a fair bit of imagination to make the motifs work, but I really like the concept.

Some notes:
* I let my players pick their class and assign their stats for better theming. We also made tradeoffs for customization (eg: sacrifice some max HP and strength to become an agile flying fairy or unlock a dark magic attack)

* Don't make your players kill every "enemy" they encounter. The system allows for negotiation, intimidation, evasion, etc. My players wound up taming a firefox with meat from another enemy, and recovered a stolen relic to placate some trolls.

* I'm not sure how much damage the players are supposed to take from attacks. 1HP seems too little (esp. if you have a priest or just rolled good stats). I'm trying 1 for lesser/standard enemies and 1d4 for elites.

* The game took ~90 minutes for 3 players to get through ~6-8 rooms. Combat can get repetitive, so make sure there are non-fighting actions to take during the battle (using terrain/traps to advantage, looking for routes, interacting with the room).

* My kids wanted to pick everything up and look for loot everywhere, so I let them. However, I added tradeoffs like "if you're carrying meat, then beasts will be able to track you easier". I also introduced all sorts of potions and magic items as rewards for exploring and solving problems. Go wild!

Happy Gaming!