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You have just gained my everlasting respect by making this. I have always wondered what some of the fake games in "The Simspons" would be like beyond what is shown in the show, and Waterworld was absolutely no expection. I am absolutely amazed by how much love you put into this. As a fan of "The Simpsons", this is a game that we didn't really need or deserve, but you took time out of your life to make a fake game from "The Simpsons" not only playable, but also a full-on game with the nearly the same exact story from the actual film it was parodying. I didn't expect anything like this, either; it just came out of absolutely nowhere. My inner childhood self is screaming in happiness right now. Thank you so much. Never in a million years did I think that this would ever become a reality. Well, it has. Thank you for making this happen. You are a true legend.