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(1 edit) (+1)

I actually think this movie was made as like a movie that they thought was genuinely good.

I also watched an episode of the series and it's either the movie isn't canon or the show isn't canon because it just doesn't add up. In the show, they don't know Draculaura's a witch and they find out abt it later as well as her dad but in the movie they know she's a witch in like the middle of the movie in a whole other way than they did in the show. So what's canon and what isn't? It doesn't make sense.

google's here to help !!1

yess search it up for me cause I'm lazy :)

alr ehe

WARNING- Spoilers below!

This movie is the second movie in the new reboot canon. In the Monster High fandom, there are now 2 canons (or official universes), the old canon (before the “Welcome to Monster High” movie) and the new canon (the reboot, so far its “Welcome to Monster High” and “Electrified”)

copy-pasted this

I don't mean g2- I mean g3 canon. I'll search.

Ok I searched and there isn't any official canon in the new g3 MH universe. How can I follow the lore if there is no lore to follow?

Even g2 had lore and g2 sucked, even more than g3, but at least it had lore

lore not loring



404 lore not found