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Update Day 14:

Today was hella productive, I finished the health pickups with a very nice animation, revamped the cursor and appended a reload prompt and reload indicator/animation in just over 2h30min!

That leaves a bit of space to talk about future plans: I will probably not have different gamemodes just yet, although it's planned (maybe next Devtober), but it's safe to say I'll add in at least 10-15 of the 25 planned guns and will try my best to add the ability system. No promises on that last one though, since I still need to spend a lot of time making the enemies function properly and have some variety.

Needless to say I am quite proud of where I've gotten to in half a month, as Pumpkin Pace's pacing already is starting to feel good during playtesting! 

On to another half-a-month of progress!