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Holy crap, this was an amazing experience. I started playing at 12am and when I looked at the time, it was 7 am. I enjoyed it very much. although, after that first time he is able to "do it" in his dreams, it goes a LONG time before re entering his dreams again. the story mostly goes over his girlfriend. I would have liked to see a mix of the two, but I can see how that would ruin the story line and confuse it. there are a lot of mixed feelings that I'm getting through the landlady and the other girl who talks about the garden/plants. like jealousy. or between your girlfriend and the landlady, especially after you confront her about what you two are doing. starting off "that bitch won again" but I guess it was all part of the mood. then there are the dreams, where your wife seems to know everything about the dreams while your guide seems to know nothing about what is going on. from food to even knowing she is in a dream. it seems really complex, but it gives a great story if the creator can tie the ends up nicely. I just got passed the first day that the landlady left and you were there with your girlfriend. forgetting the *cough* important part before starting the first time. I can't wait to see more. but as of now, I'm going to bed..... hopefully getting the same dreams as our protagonist if possible hehehe.

also, I'm trying not to spoil who I'm talking about, so I'm not saying direct names. but I'm sure after playing for the first hour you will understand.

love the game so far. lots of detail. a lot of possible conflict brewing between characters, big decisions coming up, and open to lots more concepts. I gave it a 5/5 stars