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As the original post states, old save data may break at any moment and there's nothing that can be done to avoid that. Use the 'Skip all' setting + "Skip to Next Choice" to get back to where you were before.

I would’ve done that but the “skip all” setting isn’t there sometimes. And when it is there, it doesn’t work. 

What do you mean the "skip all" setting isn't there sometimes? Skip all is always in the settings menu. Do you mean the "Skip to Next choice" setting? That one isn't going to do anything if you're going through content you haven't read before (and yeah, the button will disappear during parts where the UI is hidden, but those aren't super frequent).

Maybe I’m missing something but all I usually saw was the previous log button and the automatic reading button. But it’s alright. I’ll figure it out. 

ok thank you!