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unfortunately I can’t use the tilde key due to being on a mobile browser without the ability to call the keyboard up at will. May need a workaround for iOS browser-based usage, like a hidden icon or something to bring up the debug menu.


This is the reason why it isn't available on Android. I'll have to think of something to access it on mobile and your suggestion sounds like a good idea.


Alright, thanks. Looking forward to it.

How many other characters are planned, and will they have a wider amount of parts to add to the customizer? 

Are there cameos planned for characters from the games, like Ori’s family members that they mention? If so, will we be able to interact with and possibly romance them, too?

Could a female protagonist be possible, and thus f/m / f/f interactions?


There will be other characters and a couple of cameos to be added to the game, with new parts for the customization.

There's no plan to be a female character, but we'll see.